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    Leading in a post-acquisition environmentLeading in a post-acquisition environment

    CHALLENGE Our client recently closed an acquisition of a company larger in size, with largely complementary...


    Amanda Young Hickman

    Oct 17, 2017

    4 Min Read

    Five Misconceptions about Business SimulationsFive Misconceptions about Business Simulations

    When you hear the term “business simulation," what comes to mind? Images of MBA case studies, computer-based games, or...


    Ashley Perry

    Oct 5, 2017

    2 Min Read

    Make learning last—increasing development ROIMake learning last—increasing development ROI

    The Institute for Corporate Productivity recently completed a case study about Ford Motor Company’s Global Executive...


    Amanda Young Hickman

    Sep 6, 2017

    3 Min Read

    Why 70/20/10 learning doesn’t work as well as it couldWhy 70/20/10 learning doesn’t work as well as it could

    The 70/20/10 Theory In any talent management discussion, it doesn’t take long for someone to invoke the 70-20-10...


    Amanda Young Hickman

    Aug 22, 2017

    5 Min Read

    A Strategy Execution Simulation in Four HoursA Strategy Execution Simulation in Four Hours

    CHALLENGE To accelerate its discussion of corporate strategy, a global industrial manufacturing leader engaged IE...


    Karen Maxwell Powell

    Aug 15, 2017

    2 Min Read

    Why is Financial Literacy Important for Leaders?Why is Financial Literacy Important for Leaders?

    What Is Financial Literacy? Financial literacy is the ability to read and use common financial reports and ratios to...


    Ned Wasniewski

    Aug 8, 2017

    2 Min Read

    The Misconception about InnovationThe Misconception about Innovation

    The pursuit of innovation is at an all time high. In the U.S. alone, 145 billion dollars are spent annually by...


    Ashley Perry

    Apr 26, 2017

    2 Min Read

    Is Your Strategy Execution Like a Changing of the Guard?Is Your Strategy Execution Like a Changing of the Guard?

    If you have ever seen the “Changing of the Guard” at Buckingham Palace in London, you know that it is executed with...

    Brad Peirce

    Mar 23, 2017

    2 Min Read

    Trust in the WorkplaceTrust in the Workplace

    "Trust is the lubrication that makes it possible for organizations to work." --Warren Bennis1


    Ashley Perry

    Mar 16, 2017

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