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    Boost Strategy Translation With Business SimulationsBoost Strategy Translation With Business Simulations

    Leaders in all roles are responsible for strategy translation, or “connecting the dots” from a higher-level business...


    Karen Maxwell Powell

    May 14, 2014

    2 Min Read

    What Really Happens in a Business Simulation Experience?What Really Happens in a Business Simulation Experience?

    Over the years we’ve had many curious people ask us: So what exactly happens in a business simulation experience? The...


    Amanda Young Hickman

    Jan 28, 2014

    2 Min Read

    Cultivate Your Leadership SkillsCultivate Your Leadership Skills

    There are hundreds of inspiring quotes (“Leaders aren’t born, they are made," said Vince Lombardi), books, and blog...


    Amanda Young Hickman

    Nov 18, 2013

    1 Min Read

    Maximizing Your Business Simulation ROIMaximizing Your Business Simulation ROI

    Thinking about a group-based business simulation to develop leaders? The thoughtful design of a business simulation...


    Amanda Young Hickman

    Apr 26, 2012

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